Get ready for 2013 (ecommerce) !!!

Photo credit: Fosforix / CC BY-ND

Since we are already in the first quarter of 2013, it’s very important you update your existing website and start the new year appropriate way.

Here are the most important tasks that every online store owner needs to address in ASAP:

Refresh home page text – Update the text on your home page and greet customers with new year wishes and offers. Fresh home page text is a search engine attractant and also connects you with your customers better.

Update copyright date – It does look very immature when you still have prior year’s copyright date.

Remove holiday specials and introduce new specials of the current year.

Google yourself – Do a search on your company name and website name and make sure that only good stuff comes up. Set up a Google Alert alerts so that from now on, you find a message in your inbox as soon as Google finds out about it.

Check domain registration – Make sure your domain registration won’t expire soon. Renew it for a minimum of two years (Ideally five years); search engines favour domains that have longer registrations because spammers tend to buy only one year at a time. If you don’t know your domain registrar, go to and type in the name of your domain; the record will come up with renewal dates and your registrar’s name.

Check PCI Certification date – If you are required by your merchant bank payment processor to submit annual PCI certification (most small merchants are annual, larger merchants are quarterly or monthly), check to be sure when that is due to avoid late fees, or worse. The date is usually listed on your merchant bank statements or call them to ask.

Start new promotions –You probably thought of some good promotions and new programs while you were on holiday and your mind was clear. Commit them to writing them down now and start implementation with help of your marketing agency.

Update look and feel – Look at your template, logo, and design with a fresh eye. Could they use some updating? Most websites look dated after two or three years. Ask your agency to give you new design perspective or you can have a call with our Yield Interactive’s UI expert.

Connect to customers – Are you connected to social networking from every page of your site? If not, take the time now to find a script or site that helps you find and target new customers, by allowing customers to share the way they want to.

Know who your customers are. Are you getting good traffic reports of who is coming to your site? Although Google Stats is very popular, it can also slow down your site, and it is not the most intuitive to use. Try for much easier and faster traffic stats.

Once you have the list of everything you want to do, hire a different specialist online to do each thing you need above. As we say, it only takes a phone call to reach to right expert.

Happy selling in 2013 !!!!

Should you need any help from us, please feel free to drop email !!!

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